What Bob Wore: A Sartorial Appreciation of the Notable Costumes Worn by Robert De Niro in Martin Scorsese’s Films
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1973 Tiny Hat Intro: Our first look at Bob in Marty's Films
Rakish grin, terrible hair
1976 NYC Loner
We ARE the People
1977 V-Day Meet-Cute
Musical Takes a Dark Turn
1980 In the Ring
Hubris: The Aftermath of Fame
1982 Rupert: Armchair Comedian in his Mother's House
Can't Take No For an Answer
Amateur Goes Rogue- And Kills It
1991 The Illustrated Man Behind Bars
Stalking Continues
Loud Moviegoer


Film Details:

  • Film Title: Cape Fear
  • Film Year: 1991
  • Character Name: Max Cady
  • Cinematography: colorFilm
  • Scorsese Cameo? false

Here is more information about the costume and how it informs the character:

  • Clothing Articles: Red Hawaiian shirt with palm tree sihouette print, white pants
  • Hairstyle: Greasy
  • Props: Fancy car, white captain's hat, Evian
  • Costume Style: Casual Dress
  • Facial Hair? false
  • Bare Chested? true
  • Tattoos? true
  • Headwear? true

Bob’s longtime costume designer Rita Ryack has a choice quote regarding the flashy Hawaiian shirt Max Cady dons upon “accidentally” running into Nick Nolte’s character Sam Bowden: “…of the neon-bright Hawaiian shirt that De Niro wore in Cape Fear, ‘I found it in some gruesome strip mall in Fort Lauderdale…and now I see that shirt everywhere.’ (Vogue). In the same vein of loud colors and patterns signifying brash, unhinged characters, Bob’s Max Cady uses his wardrobe as a free man to intimidate Nolte, and virtually everyone else.

Did you know? Gregory Peck (the original Sam Bowden in the 1962 film) appears as Cady’s lawyer for approximately 5 minutes. It was his last role before his death in 2003. (via IMDb)

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